Sunday, October 09, 2005

My latest new project is...(from Chrisanne)

My left hand has decided to be testy with me after the last week of only working on fingering weight yarn (the inevitable socks of course, and the Oriental jacket I'm working on--actually there are 2 of them in the works, 1 in greens and 1 in pinks, lavendars, and blues), so yesterday I started an intarsia sweater in Pima/Tencel by Cascade. I love this yarn! Anyway, it's from an old book called Great Big Knits, and I'm doing it in pink, black, white and a touch of maroon. The ribbing at the bottom is in black, and it was one of those Gee, I Guess I Am Getting Older--or Blinder experiences.... But--I must say, it looks nice.... And then at 1:30 am this morning, with rampant non-sleepiness, I came to the end of my, of course, I worked on the Not So Warm Coat from Sally Melville's Knit Stitch, which is in some Noro Silk Garden from The Stash. For someone who really prefers pullovers, I do seem to be knitting a lot of cardis, don't I.....

Also in the pipeline are several pairs of socks for gifts. I think that socks are the perfect addiction--legal, socially acceptable, and very portable--I have a sock-in-progress in my glovebox in the car, another at my bedside table, another on the wetbar in the kitchen, another in my purse of the moment, and another beside my usual seat in the living room. (I bet you thought I was being my usual exaggerated self about that 'addiction' remark!)

Somewhere along the line, I also need to knit Pippen a sweater. Now that he's got a shorter haircut for the shop, he needs a bit of extra warm for the fall/winter. Heaven knows, he hasn't got any extra weight to keep him warm!

We're thinking about having our December class be a "Quick Gifts for the Holidays" kind of thing, so I'm working on ideas for that...projects which are fun to do, quick, and things that your Significant Recipient will actually be excited to get (and which, unlike the Nieman-Marcus suggestions, will not cause instant poverty for you).

We've had a couple of people in the Shoppe lately who have a stash of afghans which they have made, so that they have something for a gift should they need something immediate. I'm quite in awe of this forethought! Of course, with all the projects I have going at any particular moment, you'd think I'd have something for those occasions, but it never seems to work that way....

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